Sunday, March 4, 2012

Flash mob adventure in Hilo...

The SJW Crew hit it on over to Hilo,

This time to do a flash mob at Na Pua No'eau's Family AfFair event, which celebrated its 20th anniversary.  Family AfFair is put on by Na Pua No'eau every year with the intent to provide families a free "ho'olaule'a style" venue to get information about college and community opportunities, while being entertained with good food and entertainment.

Right around noon, one by one, people, which included Na Pua No'eau staff, Na Pua No'eau students and families and a group of Kamehameha Kea'au Campus students, got up and participated in the flash mob.

There is one special dude SJW wanted to acknowledge...

Hey bruddah Kyden, this one is for you buddy!  Kyden was one of the students who attended the flash mob practice session in Hilo, and you could see the hunger in his eyes to learn hip hop dancing.  His attitude was super positive and he sooooo wanted to hang with the crew to be a part of the 2nd dance session for the day, but due to some prior family commitments, he was unable to stay

But when it came time for the Hilo flash mob, there was good ole Kyden, again with his positive attitude and enthusiasm to be a part of something you know he was REALLY excited about.  It was especially nice to see his mom, grandmother, aunty, etc., etc. all sitting in the audience to watch Kyden do his thing, as he danced alongside one of the SJW crew members on stage, and boy, did he SWERK IT! Bruddah Kyden danced with flawless precision... you gotta love our talented Native Hawaiian youth! Can I get a witness in hea?!

After the flash mob was done, Kyden's family rushed up and hugged him and gave him praises, and soon after, his family all thanked the SJW crew.  As Kyden's mom stated, "This was the opportunity of a lifetime for my son, and we thank you for making it happen, you have no idea."  Wow, chicken skin! It's moments like these that make it so worthwhile...doing what we do.

In talking story with Kyden he stated he practiced a number of times online to Mara's practice session videos, and would practice to the video with his eyes closed to make sure he had the number memorized.

Before our farewells, one of the crew asked him, "So Kyden, how was it dancing on stage?"  And Kyden replied, "It was the best rush ever!"

I swear, this kid is top notch, and in the years to come, be on the lookout for this guy! He's gonna do some awesome things in the very near future!

Mahalo to all of the participants and especially Na Pua No'eau for this awesome event and opportunity!

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