Monday, February 27, 2012

Hilo "Turn Up the Music" flash mob choreography...

Na Pua No'eau Hilo's Flashmob Part 1...

Na Pua No'eau Hilo's Flashmob Part 2...

So here you go,

Both the choreo and dance vid for Na Pua No'eau Hilo's flashmob, which will be taking place on Saturday, March 3rd at the Na Pua No'eau 20th Annual Family AfFair at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo Plaza area at around 11:30am.  Please share this with all of your Hilo family and friends.

Zumba instructors in Hilo, please feel free to teach this in your classes and help support Na Pua No'eau, as they celebrate 'ohana! You can contact us or Aunty Toni (her email is on Video Part 1) with questions.

Also, much thanks to Jared at Boogie Down Productions for letting us tape the dance videos at his studio.

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