Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back to School Boogie Jam-A-Thon with Kevin Ishikawa

What's up Everyone,

Yup, yet another one of our crazy flyers for Boogie Down Productions' "Back to School Boogie" Jam-A-Thon event coming up on Saturday, August 25th at Saint Louis High School's McCabe Gymnasium.

With that said, the crew found it very suiting (yes, pun intended, lol) that we post the ad above of our fellow brutha's pic, being that today is his birthday! Happy Birthday, Braddah!  So for those of you who don't know Ducky, he is one cool guy to have as part of the crew.  He's the one that will throw a funny line at you so you crack a smile or crack up at class, which especially helps on the most stressful of stressful days.  Ducky is very "go with the flow" and when one asks for help, he'll be the guy to be there.

On the real, Ducky is an awesome father.  You'll often see him bring the family to class whenever possible, and it's such a positive thing to see husband and wife dancing side by side with oldest son rockin' it out and baby rockin' in the carrier! They seriously are a wonderful family and we're very honored to have Ducky as part of the SJW crew.

Oh ya, and when you go to an SJW class and see Ducky, check out his shirts.  He wears the most coolest n hilarious stuff!

So to you our Brutha Ducky... Happy Birthday, Man... and thanks for everything you do for SJW!

Live it!

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