Monday, June 18, 2012

Mara takes SJW to her class reunion...

You gotta love good ole Mara!

This summer, she celebrated her 25th anniversary from Kamehameha Schools-Kapälama by taking SJW to Alumni Week.  At Kamehameha, various events are held to build class unity and bring graduates back to "the hill"... including a talent competition (held on Thursday, June 7th).  With her class of 1987 classmates, they SWERKED "Dancin' Thru The Decades" ... showing true SJW style!  And to top off a wonderful showing, the Centennial Class of 1987 took home 3 trophies:  Best Production, Judges' Pick and Best Overall Performance.  Not bad for a bunch of 42 and 43 year olds, right?!  Hahaha!  It just goes to show you that anyone and everyone can take Street Jamz Werkout choreo and SWERK IT!

"Shuka, Shuka, SHUKA... SERVE!"

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