Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Last Minute Notice...

Anyone available?

About six hundred A+ students and supporters from the Kama`äina Kids after school program will gather at the State Capitol this Thursday, October 17 (3:30-5:00) in support of LIGHTS ON, AFTERSCHOOL, a rally to continue funding for after-school programs and care for our island keiki.
And they're in the mood to JAM!

So, if you're in the area and can come down to support, Street Jamz WeRkOuT will be leading the 5-2-1-0 routine as well as a few other SJW routines to get the crowd PUMPED UP!

Augie T. will be emceeing, the Lieutenant Governor and a few other leaders will stop by to speak, and the media should be there.  Come join the rally and have some fun with us!

See you there!


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