Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Support Hawai`i's OWN!

ALOHA, Swerkaholics!

It's no secret:  SJW luvs all and supports all... ESPECIALLY when it's HOMEGROWN, LOCAL talent!

So in the spirit of kökua, we'd like to send a big SHOUT OUT to our friend, the incomparable COCOA CHANDELIER!
Cocoa is currently waiting to hear back from the producers of Ru Paul's DRAG RACE on Logo TV.  She's vying for a coveted spot for the upcoming Season 6. Video, pics and resume have been submitted... But we can still HELP by:

1.  Liking her FB page (click:  HERE)
2.  Following her on Instagram and Twitter (Name:  Cocoa Chandelier)

And if you know her... Heck, even if you DON'T know her but would like to see the 808 represented... you can submit a video of support right onto her fanpage (click:  HERE).

Annual Honolulu AIDS Walk (2012)

Cocoa has been a staple in Hawai`i's entertainment industry for YEARS!  Her accomplishments are numerous... from The Iona Pear Dance Company to countless club shows/appearances.  And have you heard her emcee an event?  TO DIE FOR!  We were fortunate to have her host last year's "Back to School Boogie", a fundraiser for Boogie Down Productions.  Remember Principal Chandelier issuing detention slips?
In our humble opinion, her talent, personality and looks are versatile enough to not only earn a spot, but take this competition all the way!  The producers would be BRAIN DEAD to not choose her. So, don't forget...

- Like her FB page, add comments, and show some love and support for one of our OWN
- Follow her on IG and Twitter

Also, Ru has been known to "snoop around" applicants social media, so a comment or any show of support could help!
Mahalo for your time, SWERKERS... and GOOD LUCK, COCOA!


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