Friday, August 10, 2012

Maui... Here We Come!

Aloha all you Swerkers!

This Saturday, three O`ahu SJW crew members will be on the Valley Isle with Nä Pua No`eau, promoting health and wellness through FREE werkout sessions. They'll be joining our Maui SJW instructor, Charli Abihai, who also happens to be kicking off her new classes at the University of Hawai`i Maui College Wellness Center!

The big event is called WHOA... Wellness & Health Opportunities Affair.  Highlights include a 5K Run-N-Walk, exhibits-n-info tables, an Open House at the Wellness Center (free sampling of all their classes, including SJW) and an obstacle course.

SJW will be conducting its own 1-hour "swerkout" sessions at:
and 11:00 am

If you've ever wondered what Street Jamz WeRkOuT is all about... Here's your chance!  And it's FREE FREE FREE!!!
We'll also be traveling across the street and promoting UHMC's Wellness Center and Sistah Charli's new Tuesday and Thursday classes by holding a FREE demo on Ka`ahumanu Center stage at 2:00pm.  Join us and JAM!!!


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