Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year! First Class of 2013!

Ready to KICK OFF those health resolutions?

SJW's first class of the year is at UFC Gym-BJ Penn on Wednesday, Jan. 2 at 7:00pm!

This is just the first of FOUR WERKshops we'll be offering in January! The cost is FREE for UFC Gym members and only $5 for non-members.

Unfortunately, Sunday's Mana Fitness class (Jan. 6) is canceled because Mara is seeing WICKED with her `ohana, but we'll be making another announcement about that.

Then,  all our Honolulu and Maui classes resume the week of Jan. 7.

Mahalo for all your support and KEEP SWERKIN' into the NEW YEAR!
2013... BRING IT!

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