Sunday, January 8, 2012

A special bday wish to one of the SJW crew members...

We'd like to take a moment to send out a special bday wish to one of the SJW crew members,

Happy bday to you "Stace" and much thanks for all that you do for SJW.  Behind the crew werkin' it at class or on stage at fundraisers and performances, they all help support one another, may it be picking up flyers, providing advocacy and advice or an ear to bounce ideas with, and "Stace" is one of the faithful crew members that does jus' that. 

"Stace" is also the thoughtful one of the bunch, when there's a bday to be celebrated, she's the one that'll round up all of the troops to spend good times together, and when there's a holiday, "Stace" will be the one to give lil gifts to everyone.  It's lil things like that that keeps the crew going with positive and focused vibe.

So to you Ms. "Stace", much thanks for everything that you do for all of us and may there be more fun-filled SJW memories to come!

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