Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sending a special shout out to the E Ola Koa crew!

SJW wanted to send a special shout out,

To the E Ola Koa crew!  E Ola Koa will be making their first public debut at Pono Ola Fest at Windward Mall and will be kickin' off the festivities at 10am. 

E Ola Koa is a group of K-6th graders at Kamehameha Schools who promote health, dance and fitness, you gotta give propz for that, and propz to HaynMade for coming up with this design.  (Damn, does that dude have a life or what, hahahaha!) 

So bring it E Ola Koa crew, the SJW crew is looking forward to meeting all of you!

Do I hear a Next Gen SJW?  Uh whuaaaaaa?!

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