Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 2: Showtime!

Came day 2,

The SJW crew did their first choreo tutorial session with the Maui community at Nä Pua No'eau's 'Ohana "Party Rock" Day.  The crew was super impressed with how quick everyone learned LMFAO's "Party Rock" flash mob choreo... we're talking lil ones all the way up to adults learned the entire number in about 30 minutes.  How unreal is that?  The first session was super awesome and was held at UH Maui College's upstairs multipurpose room in the Pilina Building... yes, we were super spoiled.  Along with the sick accommodations, the masses showed up to learn the flash mob choreo.

After the flash mob choreo was taught, students and families had the option of staying for an "extended session" where they learned a whole buncha numbers SJW style, as if they were taking a class on O'ahu.  We tripped out at how many people stayed back and were eager and hungry to learn more... unreal!

After that was said and done and a majority of the masses left after the first session, a group of kids STILL wanted to dance!  How hella crazy is that?!  So the SJW crew did a jam session rockin' to LMFAO's "I'm Sexy and I Know It".  Braddah in the front (pictured above) was one cool lil dude, and the girls in the back were all into it.  I see the next gen SJW jammerz...weeeerrrrrrk.

After session 1 was done, the SJW crew went to have a quick lunch at Tasty Crust along with 'Öhua and one of her student assistants.  (May I also add that the food there was KILLER!)  So for session 2, again the crew was spoiled and headed downstairs in the Pilina Building (UH Maui College) to dance in their Wellness Center.  One word...SIIIIIIIICCCCK!  The studio is fully equipped with mirrors, a/c, a killer sound system and acoustics and showers.  At the Wellness Center, for a very nominal semester fee, campus students and staff can take classes which are offered all day until the evening.  How unreal is that?  We're talking Zumba, Kickboxing, Yoga, etc.  Do I hear a Street Jamz Werkout sesh at the Wellness Center at UH Maui College?   Stay tuned...

The 2nd session went off without a hitch.  And if you look above, there was this super tiny girl who was able to keep up with the rest of the gang in learning the choreo.  Maui werked it big time!  After another killer workout session learning the flash mob choreo and a whole mix of SJW numbers, we then headed to dinner to debrief the day... which was 100% positivity.

You'd think the day would be over right?  Negatory, lol.  After dinner, we got word that there was a Z-thon taking place at the Wellness Center, where we held our 2nd session.  We went and joined in to support the cause, which was a "Toys for Tots" event and danced amongst the masses.  Hella fun.  And while that was taking place, good ole 'Öhua went to see if it was possible for us to do a set, and with divine intervention, we were able to do a couple of numbers at the end of the event.  We were blown away, because when we first entered the studio to do our set, there was about a dozen people remaining, but as soon as we jammed our sesh, the numbers tripled!  They came running in from outside!  Weeeeeerrrrrrk!

But along with a killer sesh, we were hella touched by a trio who were part of the event.  "Team Think Pink" is a father, mother, daughter trio who teach Zumba on Maui.  They all got their Zumba certification to get fit and share their warm spirit through fitness in the Maui community.  The mother of the trio is a breast cancer survivor, and because of this, Team Think Pink donates 10% of their proceeds to breast cancer research.  How unreal is that?!  But in this lil blog, the SJW crew wanted to send their propz to one killer family!

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